Mobile Motion Manifesto

By entering the festival, you agree and abide by the terms and rules written here.

I swear to submit to the following set of rules written and confirmed by Mobile Motion Film Festival:

  1. ALL cameras (90 %) used must be basic smartphones, tablets or sports action cams (gopro)
  2. Story, art and ideas are the focus of the film
  3. If needed, special or visual effects and graphics shall be used intelligently to enhance the story or the art
  4. The film is a genuine attempt to express something new, unique or personal
  5. All work is exclusively that of the film makers, except where written permission is given
  6. The film must not contain zombies of any kind, slow or fast (just kidding)
  7. Credits will be as short and brief as possible
  8. Any crew are to be treated as hard working equals and respected as such

I have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the MoMo Film Festival

Additionally I agree as a filmmaker to enter into the spirit of the festival and strive to put creativity before expensive equipment. My audience are not cattle, they are my equals, intelligent and curious beings, there to be engaged, moved and enlightened. My ultimate goal is to seek and tell a story that has not been truly told, in a way only I can, with the simplest means available.

Hereby I agree to the MOBILE MOTION MANIFESTO (M3)


Be prepared to print (or write), sign and mail the above document if you are successful with your submission and asked to do so by the MoMo crew.

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