We believe film festivals should serve 2 types of people: filmmakers and film watchers. Essentially, we’re here to help undiscovered filmmakers reach an audience.

But the story doesn’t end there.

We want MoMo to be a springboard into the industry and a career as a filmmaker. That’s why when we needed someone to make our trailer, we turned to Stuart Thomas, whose film Odvajanje was selected for our first festival.

Yes, we’re producing our first film and we’ve given Stuart a small budget to bring it to life!

With that in mind, we asked other MoMo winners how the festival had changed things for them and this is what they said:

“MoMo is like a wonderful family who gives you the opportunity to grow and fly beyond your expectations.”

Daphna Awadish
Daphna Awadish

Daphna Awadish – Journey Birds: Best Animation/Grand Jury Prize, 2016.

“MoMo Film Festival was a real life-changing experience.

It opened new and amazing opportunities for me. A few months after being awarded at MoMo, I was invited to return to Zurich as a Jury member for the ZFF72 competition. After receiving the awards at the festival, Journey Birds was exposed to many different people and received such touching responses.

Furthermore, I was contacted by other festivals around the globes wishing to include Journey Birds in their festival.

MoMo is like a wonderful family who gives you the opportunity to grow and fly beyond your expectations. I am so happy I submitted my film to this excellent festival.”

“I entered the very first Mobile Motion Film Festival, and everything changed.”

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    Stuart Thomas MoMo Film Festival Trailer Shoot 2017 SmartphoneStuart Thomas – Odvajanje: Official Selection, 2015

    “Creating films has always been a huge passion of mine. This passion however was always just a hobby and something I did when I had a bit of free time. Then I entered the very first Mobile Motion Film Festival, and everything changed.

    I never even began to expect Odvajanje would get nominated, and it was even played at cinemas in London and Zurich simultaneously! It gave me a huge confidence boost and helped me believe in my own skills as a filmmaker.

    I now direct a small team of like-minded creative individuals, making content for all manner of things, from adverts to music videos. We are back this year for MoMo 2017- creating their trailer for the festival, which is being filmed exclusively on mobile devices! So watch this space!”

    “MoMo Film Festival has encouraged us to push our boundaries as filmmakers”

    Jacqueline Passos of Rise and Shine Films – BalloonBest Swiss Film, 2016.

    “MoMo Film Festival encouraged us to push our boundaries as filmmakers and start exploring mobile filmmaking. First and foremost, this experience led us to re-discover an old truth in filmmaking we had almost forgotten: the best camera for your project is the one you already have. In other words, the story you want to tell is always more important than the technology you use to tell it.

    Not only was making our horror short “Nachtschicht” (Night Shift) on a smartphone a rewarding experience in itself, but we also got to meet many like-minded people at the festival. The co-producer of Tangerine, Chris Bergoch, inspired us very much for future projects.

    Participating in the MoMo Film Festival also led to us being interviewed by the Swiss National Television, SRF, which in turn helped us becoming more visible as creative and commercial filmmakers

    All in all, MoMo Film Festival has made our company shine a little brighter. Thanks for that!”

    “I was spoiled by my experience at MoMo”

    Aris Tyros – How I Became a Movie Theatre Murderer: Official Selection, 2016

    “In a foreign country, at a sold out movie theatre, on a big screen, How I Became a Movie Theatre Murderer had its premiere and it was magical. The audience awarded it 2nd place, and at the after party I met the collaborators of my next filmmaking endeavour. A feature-length series filmed in VR (virtual reality).

    That opportunity presented itself because I chose to make my film with a smartphone. I had an idea that I wanted to share, but neither the technological nor the financial means to bring it to fruition in the “traditional” way. MoMo and other smartphone film fests offered a new platform to create on. I didn’t want my film to end up lost among the throngs of videos on YouTube or Vimeo, I wanted it to stand out. These festivals provided a niche and the goal became to get the film into as many of them as possible. To date it has been screened in 5 continents at 11 different festivals.

    I was spoiled by my experience at MoMo and have never regretted filming my debut on a smartphone, in fact I’m proud of that.”

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