YouTuber Toy Reviewer is Forbes No 1 Earner

“What do you want to be when you grow up, son?”

“Grow up? I already own more than you can even imagine, pops.”

“What the… have some manners kid. Uh, well actually… what?”

“I’m a professional influencer. I made $22 million this year.”

“Holy s… professional influencer? But you’re only 7. And you don’t even have a beard or anything…”

“Yes, but by the look of my channel, I’ve already learned how to gain views by polarising opinion. How soon can I run for president?”

“Well, you have to be at least 35 years old.”

“Are you kidding? I’ll have more money than America by then. I’ll just buy my own country. Do they sell them at Walmart? Why are you quiet, pops?”

“I’m scared.”

Please note, 7 year old Ryan made this for Walmart. “This is an ad for Walmart” it says. But it’s also monetised for ads. Yes, we live in an age where adverts have their own adverts that you have to watch before you can watch the advert…

So, budding professional influencers, who else is on our list of inspiring YouTube stars? And what secret ingredient is it they have that you don’t have?

#2 Jake Paul

2018 Earnings: $21.5 million

He’s got girls and cars.

#3 Dude Perfect

2018 Earnings: $20 million

They’ve got balls.

#4 DanTDM

2018 Earnings: $18.5 million

He’s got a secret elevator (that’s “lift” in English).

#5 Jeffree Star

2018 Earnings: $18 million

He has a cosmetics brand.

#6 Markiplier

2018 Earnings: $17.5 million

He has a PS4 and a high-end athleisure line for gamers.

#7 Vanoss Gaming

2018 Earnings: $17 million

He has wit and Read Dead Redemption II.

#8 Jacksepticeye

2018 Earnings: $16 million

He has swear words.

#9 PewDiePie

2018 Earnings: $15.5 million

Remember when he used to be number 1?

#10 Logan Paul

2018 Earnings: $14.5 million

He has controversy and a merch business.

And that’s the top 10. I think you may have spotted that something is missing from this list. Guess what – the human algorithm is sexist.

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