
The Saudi desert riders – Shot on iPhone 11 Pro, GoPro Style

Apple’s new “shot on iphone” release is a film shot in the Saudi desert, depicting a Mad Max style scenario (minus the guns, tattoos and body piercing). The video, shot by Henrik Hansen, really shows off the iPhone 11 Pro’s potential as a “GoPro-Killer”.

In fact, the film is a mix of action and behind the scenes, with glimpses of how they mounted the iPhone 11 Pro to capture the action.

iphone 11 pro shot on iphone

The film was captured in 4K using the iPhone 11 Pro.

In this shot we see what looks like some kind of suction car mount. If so, then that shows not only the light weight of the iPhone as a camera, but also the power of the suction car mount used…

shot on iphone 11 pro

There are some spectacular shots acquired. Desert buggies, bikes and quad bikes kicking up sand and flying through the air. And of course, a smartphone works just as well as a GoPro when it has a super-wide lens option.

The high shutter speed works well to capture clumps of sand spraying up into the air too.

You can watch the whole video here:

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    Simon Horrocks

    Simon Horrocks is a screenwriter & filmmaker. His debut feature THIRD CONTACT was shot on a consumer camcorder and premiered at the BFI IMAX in 2013. His shot-on-smartphones sci-fi series SILENT EYE featured on Amazon Prime. He now runs a popular Patreon page which offers online courses for beginners, customised tips and more: www.patreon.com/SilentEye

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