The Crack Light – Now on Kickstarter

Just spotted this and looks like an interesting smartphone filmmaker device.

“This is the Crack Light – our new flexible, waterproof, go anywhere, do anything… light.” Blind Spot Gear

This is Blind Spot Gear’s 6th Kickstarter campaign. Previous campaigns have been:

So what’s new with the Crack Light? Firstly, sounds like something someone might sell you in an abandoned car park. Well, anyway here’s Billy from Blind Spot to tell you about it… from what looks like an abandoned car park…

The light is bendy, looks not much thicker than a credit card, weighs only 19 grams. The device is also USB powered and draws 5 watts. The light can be powered by a laptop, your smartphone but finds the perfect marriage with Blind Spot’s Power Junkie… The Crack Light and the Power Junkie

Hmm. I see an unusual marketing strategy forming here, from the guys from Glasgow.

blind spot crack light

Gadget Addicts

Anyway, the bottom rung of the Kickstarter is £30 which will get you a Crack Light with no dimmer. Note that they’re hoping to deliver your Crack by July 2019.

There’s currently just hours left to get on board the campaign, so if the light is something you might be interested in, you can get your fix here. The campaign ends on April 12th.

Is that the Trainspotting 2 poster in the background of the video?

I’m looking forward to seeing more from Blind Spot. The Meth Microphone, perhaps. Or the Freebase Gimbal. How about a new video colour grading app simply called ACID?

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